Samson has been in foster for almost 3 months while we learned more about him and his needs. He is now ready for his forever home as he has proven to be a nice boy with a few insecurities that can be worked with. He is a big boy but gentle. He has come a long way with meeting new people and is dong very well with meeting them at his own pace. He does still get upset when left alone but it is not a severe as first described. Due to these issues we are going to hold to our initial assessment that Samson goes to a home without kids, preferable where someone is home most of the time. He will require an above ground fenced yard. No tie-outs or invisible fence. Below is what was posted earlier about Samson. His foster dad can tell you more about him and we will give you his information after an initial interview by phone ot e-mail.
Samson, is a neutered 3 year old that has several fear and anxiety issues. He just came in on June 20th so we are working on learning about him. He is fearful of new people, especially men. Will bark at them when they would come into his old home. He does not like people at his level so no children for him. We will update as we learn more, but so far is doing very well in his foster home with another dog. Samson would do best with another large, confident dog to act as a guide for him to help him adjust.
Samson is a sweet 3 year old neutered boy who just came into the program on June 20. Although his prior owners reported that he had several fear and anxiety issues, his foster home has reported that Samson has not manifested those issues to the degree we thought he might. Down inside Samson is a very sweet loving dog that is coming to the surface more and more each day. He is somewhat fearful of new people, men more so than women. One of his issues is that he would bark when strangers came into the house. He has already been introduced to a few strangers in his foster home and has only barked at one of them (two barks), but within an hour (and after a few treats) was allowing himself to be petted and scratched by the stranger, and was lying down next to him while the stranger was sitting on the floor. Although initially shy, he has warmed up to all of the strangers he has met. The foster home reported that after Samson being in the home for one week, his trust level is already around 95% with the foster dad. As soon as he is asked if he wants to go outside or for a walk he gets excited and runs to the door, and he walks very nicely on his leash. Samson appears to be the most uncomfortable with people at his eye level, so a home without children would be best for him. He would also do well with another large, confident dog to act as a guide for him to help adjust and learn to trust. The foster home has another dog (an intact male) and there have been no issues at all between the dogs. They are getting along great including teaming up to beg the foster dad to share his lunch.