Magnum now has a forever home in Boyne City with Nellie, another girl we placed with a very understanding family that has experience with shy dogs. So far everything is going great and he is following his new Mom around the house.
Savanna is a spayed 5 y/o female that needs a new home. She turned 5 on Dec 19th. We were contacted by her owners because there is a new grand-baby and she is so intense on seeing the baby, the new parents are uncomfortable with her interest. So her owners (grandparents) are now doing more traveling and feel it is not fair that she spends so much time at a kennel.
Savanna is stil at the home as she has pneumonia and they are treating her. They are going to give her another month to decide on placing her in April
She has no issues except she finds ways to get into trouble when she is left alone. She will help her self to the pantry (can’t blame her there!) We will have more information around Feb 22nd, when her owners get back in town. She is trained and house broken.
Magnum has come into foster
Came into foster on Jan 28th. Magnum aka, Mags, is a 2 year old intact male that is extremely malnourished and is about 30 pounds underweight. He will be neutered in mid February when we get some weight back on him. He was said to be very shy but after spending a few days with him and learning his history, we think he will be able to outgrow most of it. Mags was kept at his breeder until he was about 16 months old and never saw grass just dirt, and never got to run or play. He was taken from there to a home but spent much of the net 8 months in the yard or basement. So he has never been shown the world of made to be part of a family.

He is reserved of new people but within an hour of bringing him her he was nibbling my nose and nudging for more pets. He prefers women to men but seem to like his foster dad. Magnum will take any opportunity to eat a sock, towel or similar item if given a chance. It might be due to his starving for some time or may be a habit he has picked up along the way. He has no training, and we are working on crate training to keep him safe.
Mags is affectionate, gentle and get along with other dogs and cats. He was with children and reportedly did well, but we can not evaluate that here, as we have no children to test him with. He will need a home willing to explore the world with him at a pace that will not overwhelm him. We think we are the first time he has been a part of a family at all times and has enjoyed being in the middle of the pack and realized that the couch is a great place to snuggle.
Update 2/10-2010
Since Mags has been with us for 12 days and has gained 5 pounds. He has been tested for worms and heartworms, both negative. He has started getting his HW meds and his rabies shot. He will be neutered on the 15th or sooner. He has been doing well except he does not get along with just one of our dogs. They have fought several times without injury (so far). Our Bob started it the first time we think, but he does not back down and takes time to settle back down. Magnum is doing well with the crate training and traveling in the car. He is affectionate and loving but skittish. He has never been part of living on the same level as a family and is enjoying it. He will take any opportunity to steal food and watches Linda folding socks with great interest.
Update 2/15/2010
Mags got neutered today and is doing well. Prior to his neuter he was regularly getting out of our yard by going over our 4.5 ft fence. So like Mojo, Mags will need at least a 5 foot fence. He has discovered has has muscles and is using them running in the yard. He is so long when he stands on his rear legs his chest is already to the top of the fence. His hips are filling in with the extra food and exercise. He has put on about 10 pounds, and his coat is greatly improving.
Mojo was placed and returned to foster
Mojo had his appointment with the neurologists at Purdue and it was determined as”undetermined”. They felt his rear weakness was from lack of use as he was tied up and never got any exercise. Now that he is much more fit and has gotten so much more muscle in his foster home, he shows very few of his former issues except falling over. The vets think that he may just be clumsy. So he went to his new home…. for a week.
Mojo’s new owner was a busy vet student and it was quickly realized that his energy and needing exercise was not going to fit into her schedule as she had hoped. So it was decided that a home that had more time for him would suit Mojo better. He also proved that if left to his own devices he will take any opportunity to run off and a game of chase me begins.
Mojo will need a fully fenced above ground fence at least 5 foot high with his new home. We would advise no young children also because he does not realize his size and knocks toddlers over.
Mojo’s fundraiser goal met!!
Due to the generosity of many people, we have exceeded our goal for raising money for Mojo’s MRI. We are currently arranging for his MRI to be done at Purdue University. Hopefully we will be able to get him in the first part of January. We want to thank all of Mojo’s supporters, very much! The PayPal meeter says just over $2,800 but due to several doantions sent by check (one was for $800, WOW) we have over $3,600. We will keep the site posted on Mojo’s diagnosis.
Annie has gone to her new home!
Annie went to live with her new mom in northern Illinois with 3 other playmates. It was a match right off, as sometimes Annie would be a little reserved and take time to check out our visitors. But not this time! Annie immediately like her ans was on her lap as soon as she sit down. While doing the interview Annie was telling everyone to stay away because this person was hers! She fell asleep while we were talking with her head across her new Mom’s lap. Sounds like a match to us.
My name is Annie
Annie was rescued from animal control after 2 weeks of no one looking for her. She has been neglected and some of her nails were almost full circle. She is thin and weight 68 pounds. She is a small berner, we think she is between 2 and 3 years old. He coat was a mess, very dull and flaky skin. She was a lady for her bath and sem to really enjoy all the attention. Her eyes are clouded over but she still seems to see well. We are working on trying to figure out why they are so clouded. It is not cataracts.
Annie loves people, and any attention she can get. We think it is new for her and she is drinking it up. She spent the evening on my lap sprawled on her back so I could rub her belly while she slept. She appears to be intact and we will have the vet check of a scar but it looks like she just finished a heat cycle. She is gentle and get along with the other dogs. Because of her history of possibly running away if she was not dumped. She will need a above ground fence. We will keep her in foster until her health issues are taken care of (spay if needed, eye exam to see what is wrong) then after she has been evaluated we will place her into a new home. It is not known how she will respond to children. Pictures will be up soon.
UPDATE 10/20/09
Annie is doing very well, she is very affectionate. We have her on steroid drops for er eye to see it it helps. She is loving being part of a family! She has taken over her end of the couch and she is now crate trained, she is very smart. So far no accidents in the house other than peeing in her crate when she had to stay in it for 11 hours, can’t fault her there! She sleeps in her crate at night next to the bed, we now leave the door open and she sleeps there anyway. She still smell like a skunk and we hope to give her another skunk bath with some different stuff to see it it helps.
Update: 10/25
Annie is loving life in the house. We have determined that she must have been an outside dog. She has no clue on how to respect furniture as her standing on the end table represents. She does love her couch though! She is no completely housebroken. She has not pooped in the house even after 11 hours. But we have found several pee spots. We have never caught her in the act, so we are not sure when it happens.
On the bright side she does not appear to have been hit as many are that we see. She has however been neglected. We think that is why she is loving the attention. He helicopter tail never stops. We think her eyes look a little clearer, but not for sure. She is getting spayed on 10/27.
Update: 10/29/09
Annie is ready for her new home. She has been spayed on Monday and is doing great. If someone likes to curl up on the couch and read with a furry friend sunggled in the crook of of your legs, Annine is the one!
Update: 12/06/09
Annie is still with us and her coat is coming in very nice now. She and our 6 m/o Rigel have become best buddies and she has learned how to play. We are still working on toys. She looks at them but not sure what to do. She really loves her couch and is always on her back with all 4 in the air. She has even learned to ask to come in by pawing at the door. She will come up on our lap and do the same. She is so happy here and loves us, she will be a hard one to let go of, but the inn is full and as hard is it will be, we have to place her.
Mojo needs a new home and an MRI
- Ain’t I a good looking boy!
Help Mojo get his MRI, Please Donate at:
Mojo is almost 18 months old. He is seeking a new home because he get too rambunctious for the small children in his house and knocks them over. He needs a little bit more training to refine his manners. Mojo may also have a neurological issue with his back leg. He sometimes drags his toes on one side. He has been x-rayed with nothing obvious as the problem. Mojo would do best in a home with older children.
update; Oct 12, 09
Mojo was seen by the vet and is appears that he does have some sort of neurological issue with his spine/rear end. We are working on trying to raise funds to have some proper test done, most likely an MRI. This is very expensive at about $3000. Sadly the rescue can not afford to spend that much on just 1 dog. If someone is willing to help by donating something towards the tests, would be very helpful. If someone is willing to adopt with these unknown diagnosis, please feel free to call us or click on the link above for a PayPal donation site for Mojo.
Update 10/26/09

Schultz has come into rescue

Schultz, we just got today, 9/5. He is about 11 months old and is just an unruly pup. He seems to not have had a lot of training as he does not listen well. He is an opportunist, and will grab thing that he should not. This is the root of his re-homing. When he would take something he was not supposed to had, usually a paper towel or the like. He would growl and act aggressive when his owners would try to take it from him. It appear that the owners let him have his way, so he has learned he can bully people. This is a correctable issue. He loves people and other dogs. Not shy at all.
He does however appear to have either an injury or orthopedic issue with his left leg, but it seems to be his wrist not elbow. That is why we are thinking injury. We will have it checked next week.
Schultz went to his new home in eastern PA, and is doing very well.
Max went back home
Max was returned to his original owner because they realized that Max was not the problem at the home. The Mastiff continued to have issues with Max gone. So it was decided to give Max another chance without the Mastiff. They truly loved Max and wanted what was best for him. The reunion was something to see. Max danced and spun in circles at seeing his family. We hope Max behaves himself, as we know he will get plenty of love.