Manny is a super sweet 11 month old. He was surrendered to our rescue because he was being mistreated by the male in the household. Understandably, Manny is a little shy, especially with men, but he LOVES to be petted. This lovely boy does well with cats and other dogs. He needs a home with a fully fenced yard (no shock collars!) and children over the age of 8yrs. He needs to be allowed to adjust and learn to trust again and that not all men are mean. He is already overcoming his past by learning to accept men.
He came with tons of worms which he is being treated for.
Update: 6/8/10
I've had it rough, can you help me?
Manny is now crate-trained. He’s a healthy, happy boy! He’s been treated for his intestinal parasites.He does great with other dogs now and would probably appreciate a nice playmate. He’s sweet, a little shy, silly and definitely a puppy. He will chew shoes but he likes to trade. Has show zero aggression, and is just a goof. He HAS to have a fun, positive, training class of some sort but that should be a breeze with him as he is very eager to learn. He’s also house trained, knows sit, down, stay, shake, and touch. He loves to play ‘tug’ and to snuggle on the couch. If we didn’t already have a boy,he wouldn’t be up for adoption right now. 🙂 He’s done great with small children with experience who are 3yrs old and 5 yrs old.
Wynn (Wynnie) is a very big boy at 130 pounds, neutered and is about 18 months old. He is in good health with no known health issues.
Wynn has confidence and shyness issues which he has turned into possessiveness and protectiveness of his home and owners. Wynn needs a less active home with non-dominate dogs, as he will most likely end up the dominate one. He loves to play with our young guy and gets along with everyone after settling in after introductions. He may be more reactive to males than females. Work with positive reinforcement and lots of treats will help Wynnie accept new people. He needs a strong leader/owner, but understanding to a shy/reactionary dog. Wynn has great potential to be a fantastic companion. He had a fear of some noises and actions as many dogs do with less confidence. However, he does not have a problem with storms.
Due to his history with people and some dogs, Wynn will require an above ground full fenced yard without exception. An “invisible” shock style fence will adversely affect his temperament and make matters worse.
UPDATE 5/10/10
Wynnie is a very lovable boy and is doing well. He is all puppy still but in a large body. He thinks he is small but the paw print on the top of our sliding glass door at the frame tells different. Very happy when in his comfort zone. Wynn needs a home with another dog he can play with and keep up with him. He is the first to stop so a dog that can play rough for about 10 minutes at a time is good. He likes me (Bruce) but he loves his women when he gets attached. He is a very loyal boy, and a lot of fun. He is very exuberant when coming home and jumps up wanting attention and sometimes play nips.
Wynn needs somone that can except him at his pace, not a lot of visitors or someone willing to work with a trainer to work him through his insecurity of strangers coming into his home
Bernise (Nisey) is a 3 year old girl that was given up due to health issues of her old family. A beautiful dog with a great disposition. Bernise loves everyone. If you look deep into her eyes, you can see right into her heart, and she will make you melt.
She was sold at a pet store when she was 5 months old. She was taken to a veterinary hospital by her new owner and was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. The owner (person who purchased her) returned her to the pet store. Because of her size and age, she was not able to fit in a cage at the pet store. So, their options were either to euthanize or ship her back to the breeder. The pet store was reluctant to give her to anyone and just wanted to euthanize her because shipping her back to the breeder was costly. But, an employee at the pet store knew an animal lover who just happened to be a vet tech, which would care for her. So, they agreed to release her to the vet tech. Intentions on giving her a life-long home has changed due to an unforeseen illness. Bernise is a great dog. Good with other animals. She has lived with cats, birds and dogs. Great on leash even though she is 90 lbs, you wouldn’t even know she was. House trained, doesn’t chew on anything except her bones. She is very sensitive, needs a soft toned voice. She has some manageable allergies. Hip dysplasia has not slowed her down. Her X-Rays were reviewed by the head orthopedic surgeon at MSU and it was advised to do no treatment other than supplements at this time. So we started her on Glucosamine to start building her up. She may or may not need intervention in the future.
She has never been with toddlers, but loves small children and other dogs. We prefer a home with a above ground fence for her so she can play at will without having to worry about containment. Nisey is a very sweet girl that is a “Velcro” dog and will stay with her owner all day. It was reported that she has fear issues with some men, but has attached herself to me, like she has been here all her life.
ADOPTDED: Ringo is not part of the HMBMD Rescue, this is a courtesy post for his foster mom.
Ringo is a 1 1/2 year old neutered male Bernese Mountain Dog. Who was raised by a family of 4, who loves long walks, and attention. He does suffer from slight hip dysplasia. He also displays strong aggression towards other male dogs, but with proper training could make a great family pet as an only dog or possible a female. He has been reactive to other dogs but once in his family, he does well. Ringo shows resource guarding and food aggression in the past. He has done well accepting taking of his food to get used to not getting his way. Ringo needs someone that is experienced with temperament training dogs.
Because of his past we do not recommend a home with male dogs, children under 15, and he will required an above ground fence, not the electric shock style. It would make his reactionary problems worse.
For more information contact: Any questions feel free to call Kathy at 419-308-6400 or you can e-mail her at [email protected]
Mojo went all the way to Massachusetts for his forever home. They are experienced Berner owners and were excited for the challenge to help Mojo become the great dog that we know he can be.
An older, 5 year old neutered male is missing since March 14th. Lost from west of M-15, but he may have been taken and dropped somewhere miles away. If someone knows of a recently found Berner, please contact us at 248-969-1960. we want to reunite him to his family.
Very nice older dog (7 y/o) who has had no formal training but a good background on basics of sit and walking on a leash. GREAT apparent health for a 7 yr old…very physically sound appearing. Our concerns are only that she really needs to learn to accept people in her home! She has potential to be a fear biter if handled wrong. She growls and barks and looks generally menacing when you first arrive but does have a good recovery time. Once she settled down she was very very friendly. Other things I saw/tested and info I got: Reasonable pain and manipulation tolerance – should be OK with medium to older kids…maybe even young kids. should take all logical training well but won’t handle a rough hand/highly negative training techniques Loves other dogs,did well with our test dogs. Sierra rushed over to meet and play. Owner occasionally takes her to local dog park where she is very social unless “dogs want to hump her…she doesn’t like that”. Greets dogs with minor submissive mouth licking, tail slightly down, some minor crouching goes quickly into minor play bow and invites. Owner works her on choke (which we do not recommend) but I think with some minor training she will be easy to control on a flat buckle collar. She is very eager to please and listen to anyone. As indicated some minor insecurity that may get worse initially with a transition. This is a one owner dog since Sierra was 7 weeks old. Shots are not confirmed as up to date. No real serious flea control has been done. Heartworming is also questionable. Grooming has been very reasonably kept up on. Coat in good health, no mats, nails need trimmed. She is a bit foot shy but if you insist she will let you work with her feet without resistance. Housebroken, crate familiar. Raised for four years with a Pomeranian …good with little dogs but sometimes plays a bit rough. Spayed, loves car rides, takes food from hand well but could use some better manners here … no obvious food aggression. Because of Sierra’s issue with new people, she will require an above ground, physical fence. NOT the invisible, shock type, as this will make her more fearful.
Magnum now has a forever home in Boyne City with Nellie, another girl we placed with a very understanding family that has experience with shy dogs. So far everything is going great and he is following his new Mom around the house.
Savanna is a spayed 5 y/o female that needs a new home. She turned 5 on Dec 19th. We were contacted by her owners because there is a new grand-baby and she is so intense on seeing the baby, the new parents are uncomfortable with her interest. So her owners (grandparents) are now doing more traveling and feel it is not fair that she spends so much time at a kennel.
Savanna is stil at the home as she has pneumonia and they are treating her. They are going to give her another month to decide on placing her in April
She has no issues except she finds ways to get into trouble when she is left alone. She will help her self to the pantry (can’t blame her there!) We will have more information around Feb 22nd, when her owners get back in town. She is trained and house broken.
Came into foster on Jan 28th. Magnum aka, Mags, is a 2 year old intact male that is extremely malnourished and is about 30 pounds underweight. He will be neutered in mid February when we get some weight back on him. He was said to be very shy but after spending a few days with him and learning his history, we think he will be able to outgrow most of it. Mags was kept at his breeder until he was about 16 months old and never saw grass just dirt, and never got to run or play. He was taken from there to a home but spent much of the net 8 months in the yard or basement. So he has never been shown the world of made to be part of a family.
I need a high fence
He is reserved of new people but within an hour of bringing him her he was nibbling my nose and nudging for more pets. He prefers women to men but seem to like his foster dad. Magnum will take any opportunity to eat a sock, towel or similar item if given a chance. It might be due to his starving for some time or may be a habit he has picked up along the way. He has no training, and we are working on crate training to keep him safe.
Mags is affectionate, gentle and get along with other dogs and cats. He was with children and reportedly did well, but we can not evaluate that here, as we have no children to test him with. He will need a home willing to explore the world with him at a pace that will not overwhelm him. We think we are the first time he has been a part of a family at all times and has enjoyed being in the middle of the pack and realized that the couch is a great place to snuggle.
Update 2/10-2010
Since Mags has been with us for 12 days and has gained 5 pounds. He has been tested for worms and heartworms, both negative. He has started getting his HW meds and his rabies shot. He will be neutered on the 15th or sooner. He has been doing well except he does not get along with just one of our dogs. They have fought several times without injury (so far). Our Bob started it the first time we think, but he does not back down and takes time to settle back down. Magnum is doing well with the crate training and traveling in the car. He is affectionate and loving but skittish. He has never been part of living on the same level as a family and is enjoying it. He will take any opportunity to steal food and watches Linda folding socks with great interest.
Update 2/15/2010
Mags got neutered today and is doing well. Prior to his neuter he was regularly getting out of our yard by going over our 4.5 ft fence. So like Mojo, Mags will need at least a 5 foot fence. He has discovered has has muscles and is using them running in the yard. He is so long when he stands on his rear legs his chest is already to the top of the fence. His hips are filling in with the extra food and exercise. He has put on about 10 pounds, and his coat is greatly improving.