Category: Rescue News
Chaplin (Chappy) needs to have a home where he is part of the famiy
Jasper, needs an experienced home

ADOPTED!!!! 11/5/13
Jasper is 16 months old neutered boy, and is being fostered his breeder. He was returned to his breeder because his family was becoming too busy for him and he was getting growly. With a new child on the way they decided that he was not the right fit and they were concerned about it getting worse and them not being able to address it. He has little training or manners (but good on a leash) which is most likely the root as he thinks he can do what he wants. He will need an obedience class and an experienced dog family to allow Jasper to learn and flourish into the companion we think he can be. Because of the growling at first meetings and lack of training he should not go to a home with children and will require an above ground fence.
Although he does not show and outward indication of any problems, his x-ray show him to be dysplastic and may, in the future become arthritic or show symptoms. He is very mouthy and will grab arms to get your attention. He also has a sensitive stomach, is up to date on shots. Jasper is very eager to please and his growling is quickly correctable with a verbal reprimand and calms down quickly.
Bella #5

Oso needs your help and understanding

He is reactive with touching his paws, ears and tail. All could be from the underlying issues. What Oso needs is a home or foster home wiling to take on his challenges to see if he can be saved from himself. We have advised a grain free, fish based food source kibble to help, but to add to his dilemma, his family has had to move to an apartment and the addition of a new born 2 legged baby. So things are really stacked against Oso, but we believe there is underlying potential in him to give him a chance. With the right experienced family he may be able to out grow his unacceptable behavior. He is sweet with his owner and prefers female to males. Likes other dogs, and if left alone he warms up to new people that do not try to force themselves on him. Per his owner, “after 5 minutes if the ignore him he is ready to get on their lap.”
Shy Shonei needs a home
Shonei turned 6 years old in May, he’s neutered and house broken. He is very sweet and bonded to us in just a few hours. Shonei’s issue is he does not like noises and perfers not to assciiate with new people. When company comes, he just chooses to go to his safe room. He likes other dogs and gets along well. He used to have another dog in the home but with it’s passing he lost his guide on when things are OK. So he would do best with another confident dogs and a quiet home. Due to his fear of new people and will never come to a stranger, he needs the security of a fenced yard. He also would not do wil with small kids just becasue of the bamgs and yells that children always do. He never really learned how to deal with new situations as he was not eposed to them. He has been with us 3 days and he really likes us and our gang. He looks to us for protection when scared. He barked at me last night wanting me to play with him and rolled on his back. This is very good for a fearful dog being so relaxed in a strange home in just a few days. Shonei is very overweight and needs to loose over 20 pounds.
UPDATE 9/2/13
Shonei is doing very well and is happy and comfortable. He is very attached to us and he is a dog that likes to follow his owners around for all the attention he can get. We wee told he was afraid of noises but does Ok , only mildly bothered by storms and far away bangs did not upset him. No fear of vacuums or lawnmower. But the odd noise of opening the windows upset him. He responds best to a soft voice and loud voices make him nervous. He likes to be near us and lays next to the chair we are in, and the bed at night. Al in all he is a sweet dog, just clingy. He loves our yard that he can actually run in now. He has lost some weight already as we can se it. We think now that he ca do more and is more comfortable with our gang he’s having fun. He also has decided he likes the couch!
Sully is coming into rescue
Sully is around 2.5 years old. He was born in January of 2011. We promised his owner that he will only go to a fenced yard, no exceptions. Sully is just entering into the program and will spend a few weeks being evaluated to make sure he corresponds with the description below.
- He’s neutered
- He’s a pure breed Bernese
- He’s friendly with people, kids and dogs
- Housetrained
- Crate Trained (but I haven’t had a need to do it)
- Will walk on a leash
- Up do date on shots (all he needs right now is a trip to the groomer)
- He LOVES the snow
- Since he’s so hairy he needs cool places to lay down and spread out. He avoids carpet, bedding, blankets because he gets too hot. He prefers to lay on hardwood, tile, etc. (that helps keep him cool due to his furry coat)
- He likes hard & soft toys. If you keep lots of them around for him he wont chew any household items.
- NO rawhides (his tummy doesn’t like it)
- He needs to eat “sensitive skin” dog food or he’ll get a rash
- When you’re petting him he likes to do 2 things. He’ll stretch out really long and we call that “The Super Sully Stretch”. He also likes to flip over and we call that “Upside Down Sully Cakes”.
- Sully does like to spend some time on the couch. (He doesn’t stay long because he gets hot, but the new home should be aware he does this)
- He loves to play tug-of-war with his big rope.
UPDATE 8/14/13
Sully is doing great and is ready for his new home.
Briggs needs a home,

ADOPTED!!!! 8/10/13
This is a courtesy posting for Lilly Bears Rescue in N/E Indaina, the contact e-mail address is [email protected]
Briggs is a 3.5 year old boy, neutered, vaccinated, heartworm tested negative, and on heartworm/flea prevention. He is healthy and in good condition. He weighs about 100 pounds and is kinda chubby. Here is some of the discription of Briggs, “He gets along well with other dogs for the most part. I have 5 other dogs ranging in size from 15 to 60 pounds. He does get into tiffs with a Sheltie I have because he tries to herd him and bites at his back legs. I also have a cat and rabbit he is fine with them too. He is a pretty good dog for the most part. He does have some bad habits like getting into the trash and taking food of the counters but those are about it. He is housebroke and great with kids. My son has worked with him a little in 4H.
Helping Berners Find Forever Homes…

We’re glad you’ve found us! We are a resource for people with a special place in their heart for Berners.
To date we have assisted over 200 Bernese find forever homes and start a new life with a loving family that they deserve.
Of the dogs we have had come through the program, 10 have become therapy dogs, now assisting people with their own life issues. Several of these dogs were slated to be destroyed due to aggression.
We have had dogs that were beaten, starved, barely walking, and dogs that could have walked out of the show ring, along with everything in-between.
Penny and Blossom
Penny got ADOPTED!!!!! 4/14/13
Penny is a very sweet girl who likes to be the center of attention. She loves to cuddle, snuggle and really wants to please. She loves a good belly rub and will snuggle right up to your hip on the couch. She is very smart and learns new commands quickly, although as she’s still a puppy so she needs to be reminded frequently. She is eager to learn and would benefit from training classes but does know some commands, i.e. sit, wait, come, off. She has displayed no food aggression and is food motivated, so treats work well with her. Although she can be defensive when she has a bone to chew on. A person can take it from her, but she doesn’t want another dog to have it even when she’s not chewing on it she feels it’s hers. Penny likes to play with toys and will play a little bit of fetch. She still chews a lot and figured out how to unwind a braided tug rope. She likes our whole family but seems to be more attached to Jenny. There are some problems with walking on a leash, but with the correct patience and time she will improve. She has had no problems with the two cats in our house and frequently wants to lick them and play with them. She loves our 14 year old son, although we’re not sure how she’d be with younger children. Other dogs are okay, although she has had some dominance issues with the other female dog in our house. She has had no problems whatsoever with Moby and they love to play and wrestle even though he is twice her size. She is crate trained for when we leave the house. When we are home, she is usually laying at your feet or will follow you from room to room. She has been sleeping on the floor in our room. She will lay on the bed while we read or watch TV but as soon as the light is turned off, she knows it’s time for her to sleep on the floor. We think she may have Border Collie in her based on the shape of her nose, her tail and her size. She has no problem eating but doesn’t seem to be getting any bigger.
UPDATE 1/21/13 PENNY Penny is ready for her new home. She has been doing great and is very affectionate. She does have occasional conflicts with some female dogs, so she would do better with a male canine companion. He is learning some basic commands and is a smart girl. There is a chance that Penny and Blossom may have some Aussie in them, or maybe just poorly bred Berners, hard to tell. THey are very “Berner like” but also show some Aussie instincts. Penny is still all puppy and mouthy on hands. Like Gunny, she wants all the attention for herself for the same reasons we expect. Penny is still guarded with new people, especially men, so she needs time to warm up to visitors.
Blossom has ben ADOPTED!!! 1/27/13
Blossom Update 1/21/13; Blossom ia also ready to go to her forever home. She is still skittish around new people and will needs a physical fence to keep her safe if she gets frightened but will warm us if given her space to do it at her pace. She loves other dogs and is very attached to her foster family. Good with housebreaking and has learned a few commands. Both Penny and Blossom should attend a obedience class to give them confidence with new events and learn to listen when needed. Blossom and Penny’s foster home will make the final approval of the new homes as they know what they need and give us the parameters on the home style to look for. Blossom may have a home as several people have visited her and want to adopt her.
Penny and Blossom are about 6-7 months old girls. Very active and very loving. They both are surprisingly very, very sweet even-though the breeder they came from never even bother to name them. They had been kept outside and not much interaction with people, but now love getting attention. They had not been to the vets before but are now up to date on shots and as of 1/3/13, both with have been spayed. They need training and their foster homes are working on house-training. Both are doing very well. Both are a little shy of men, as we expect, males have not been nice to them in the past. Both are warming up to all members of the foster homes. They do not need to go together and were too dependant on each other so they were separated. Both get along with other dogs. They have been treated roughly this first stage of their life so they will need patience and love, but have the potential to be wonderful companions. They will need fenced yards and need to attend training clases. Applications can be found under the adopting tab.