Consider a donation
Our Rescue survives with the help of Berner Lovers. A donation in any amount helps us keep the breed healthy and these dogs in a safe environment until they can be re-homed or adopted.
Select a donation amount:
Furry Friend Supporter $25.00
Furry Friend Guardian $50.00
Furry Friend Hero $100.00
Checks for any amount can be written to:
Checks can be mailed to our treasurer:
HMBMDR Inc. a 501(c)3 Organization (Please note on check for “Rescue Dog Fund”)
Silvia Ryan
36309 Oregon Ave
Westland, MI, 48186
36309 Oregon Ave
Westland, MI, 48186
Funds for the Heart of Michigan Bernese Mountain Dog Rescue are derived from adoption fees and donations from other concerned individuals.