12/14/11 Moby is still available and doing great. We have had several interested homes but the fenced yard and playmate will be mandatory for Moby.
Moby will be 1 on December 26th so he is still a pup. He was given up due to he was starting to show some aggressive tendencies towards his family and did not like new people coming over. He was also very mouthy by chewing on hands and such. Moby was intact and is now neutered, he had some parasites which he has been treated for and we are in the process of retesting to see if we got them all or not.
Since coming here 3 weeks ago he does not show any of the early issues but we have not had any visitors so I can’t judge the stranger issues at this time. So far our opinion is that moby may have been bored and got into trouble chewing some things, so he needs a playmate to keep him out of trouble and tired. He had some basic training and sits for his food, but more classes will help with his socialization and form a control bond with his new owners.
Moby is a very sweet boy that is happy sitting on the deck watching the yard or playing with other dogs, or lying at your feet. He sometimes gets rough playing and barks in the other dogs face. He does have a tendency to bark at things too let people know he sees them. We think the “mouthyness” was his way of asking for attention. In his old home he was in competition with a toddler for time with his owners and of course he was 2nd in line for that. Moby needs a home that is relatively quiet with a fur buddy to play with and an above ground fenced yard. Due to his potential of fear aggression from lack of socialization we require the fence for his and everyone’s protection. We think that he will out grow the fear issues with proper exposure to new things and people but that will take time. Also because of his early behavior in his old home we do not recommend small children.
All in all, Moby is a nce boy that needs some understanding and will be a happy boy.