Shonei turned 6 years old in May, he’s neutered and house broken. He is very sweet and bonded to us in just a few hours. Shonei’s issue is he does not like noises and perfers not to assciiate with new people. When company comes, he just chooses to go to his safe room. He likes other dogs and gets along well. He used to have another dog in the home but with it’s passing he lost his guide on when things are OK. So he would do best with another confident dogs and a quiet home. Due to his fear of new people and will never come to a stranger, he needs the security of a fenced yard. He also would not do wil with small kids just becasue of the bamgs and yells that children always do. He never really learned how to deal with new situations as he was not eposed to them. He has been with us 3 days and he really likes us and our gang. He looks to us for protection when scared. He barked at me last night wanting me to play with him and rolled on his back. This is very good for a fearful dog being so relaxed in a strange home in just a few days. Shonei is very overweight and needs to loose over 20 pounds.
UPDATE 9/2/13
Shonei is doing very well and is happy and comfortable. He is very attached to us and he is a dog that likes to follow his owners around for all the attention he can get. We wee told he was afraid of noises but does Ok , only mildly bothered by storms and far away bangs did not upset him. No fear of vacuums or lawnmower. But the odd noise of opening the windows upset him. He responds best to a soft voice and loud voices make him nervous. He likes to be near us and lays next to the chair we are in, and the bed at night. Al in all he is a sweet dog, just clingy. He loves our yard that he can actually run in now. He has lost some weight already as we can se it. We think now that he ca do more and is more comfortable with our gang he’s having fun. He also has decided he likes the couch!