Sully is around 2.5 years old. He was born in January of 2011. We promised his owner that he will only go to a fenced yard, no exceptions. Sully is just entering into the program and will spend a few weeks being evaluated to make sure he corresponds with the description below.
- He’s neutered
- He’s a pure breed Bernese
- He’s friendly with people, kids and dogs
- Housetrained
- Crate Trained (but I haven’t had a need to do it)
- Will walk on a leash
- Up do date on shots (all he needs right now is a trip to the groomer)
Although he’s not proned to running, he should go to a home with a fenced yard. Since he’s young and playful he could “run” if he saw a critter or another dog to play with. The new home should also be made aware he does require monthly grooming, and he sheds and home will require weekly vacuuming to keep up. Some tips about Sully:
He’s affectionate and loves to play
- He LOVES the snow
- Since he’s so hairy he needs cool places to lay down and spread out. He avoids carpet, bedding, blankets because he gets too hot. He prefers to lay on hardwood, tile, etc. (that helps keep him cool due to his furry coat)
- He likes hard & soft toys. If you keep lots of them around for him he wont chew any household items.
- NO rawhides (his tummy doesn’t like it)
- He needs to eat “sensitive skin” dog food or he’ll get a rash
- When you’re petting him he likes to do 2 things. He’ll stretch out really long and we call that “The Super Sully Stretch”. He also likes to flip over and we call that “Upside Down Sully Cakes”.
- Sully does like to spend some time on the couch. (He doesn’t stay long because he gets hot, but the new home should be aware he does this)
- He loves to play tug-of-war with his big rope.
UPDATE 8/14/13
Sully is doing great and is ready for his new home.
Sully is very happy and has no fear of new people. He still tries to chase the cats so a home without them would be best. He loves to be petted but is not a snuggler. He will usually lay away from us but close enough to see what we are doing. Nothing else to report which means he should be easy to place in the right home.